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Welcome to my blog.

I’m Ruby, a self-taught cook, plant based food lover and budding photography enthusiast.

Go To Green Smoothie

Go To Green Smoothie

This green smoothie is so invigorating it could ALMOST replace my coffee in the morning! 


I was a little slow to get on the green smoothie bandwagon. Never been that big on smoothies and to be honest I think I was a bit stubborn to get into them because everyone else was. I remember being told they would change my life and I was like yeah okay. But now I am totally converted! It literally wakes me up and makse me feel more alive. I have also discovered that it is BEST hangover cure.

It’s a great way to make sure you are getting a good intake of greens, seeds and nuts. When I am really busy and only have time for a piece of toast, I love knowing at least I got some vegies into me! I actually really like the taste of green smoothies and I make mine pretty low on fruit, as I don’t like it sweet. You may want to add extra fruit if your prefer it sweeter. I also make mine with a lot of water so it’s on the runny side. As I struggle to ensure I am getting enough water each day, this extra water in my smoothie really helps. I usually make a big batch of this in the morning and sip on it throughout the day.


Go To Green Smoothie

Prep time: 10-15 minutes

Makes approx. 2 litres of green smoothie. This makes a lot of green smoothies - enough for two. Halve the recipe if you want less or your processor does not have the capacity for 2 litres.

Dietary guide: Gluten free, FODMAP friendly, vegan and dairy free


2 teaspoons of chia seeds

8 Cashews raw

10 Macadamia raw

2 teaspoons of hemp seeds

I tablespoon of vanilla protein powder*

1 litre of cold water or coconut water

1/3 large cucumber

1 cup of curly kale well packed

1 cup of baby spinach well packed

2 sticks of celery

1 large frozen mango or 1 ripe pear (can use both if you like)

1 teaspoon Greens powder (optional)


Make sure all your produce has been well washed. Add all the ingredients into a high powered blender. If you are using anything frozen like mango let these ingredients defrost for about 10 minutes to avoid damaging your machine. Blend on high for 90 seconds in a high-powered blender. You may need longer depending on the power of your processor. Serve over LOTS of ice. It tastes best if you wait 10 minutes to allow some of the ice to melt and mix into the drink. Keep in the fridge and give it a little shake before serving. Last for about 24 hours.

*Note: The protein powder I use is sweetened. If you omit the protein power or use an unsweetened version the smoothie will be very “green” tasting. I would advise doubling the fruit quantity.

Dietary alteration: To make it vegan, make sure you use a vegan protein powder.

Pumpkin, Spinach and Pine nut Risotto with Truffle Oil

Pumpkin, Spinach and Pine nut Risotto with Truffle Oil

Mushroom and Barley Risotto

Mushroom and Barley Risotto