About Me


Welcome to Dear Fig.

This is a place for me to share all the recipes floating around in my head.

I want to create a record of my recipes to pass on to my daughters and to inspire YOU to cook beautiful plant based food.

Xxx Ruby


I am a self-taught cook, food lover and budding photography enthusiast..

All my food is plant based. Whilst I am not actually vegetarian, I think we eat too much meat for both our health and our planet. My hope is to encourage people to try a plant-based diet or just consume less animal products. My proudest moments are when my food has opened up the mind of a carnivore to how great vegetarian cooking can be.

Most of my recipes will also include a vegan, gluten -free and FODMAP friendly variation. So many people are now on a restricted diet and I didn’t want any of you to miss out! I really like all my recipes to be flexible and I encourage everyone to taste and experiment with my recipes – make them your own! To understand more about me and why I am here today, I really need to start at the beginning. So if you are interested - keep reading!

Read more about my family story here.